Home Study How Long Does it take to Become an English Teacher?

How Long Does it take to Become an English Teacher?

by Abeera Arshad
How Long Does it take to Become an English Teacher?

How Long Does it take to Become an English Teacher? Who is an English teacher? A person who instructs students in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and literature is known as an English teacher. Since reading and writing skills are necessary for success in life, students of all ages take English classes. Depending on the student’s age, different subjects and courses are taught. Since reading and writing skills are necessary for success in life, students of all ages take English classes. Depending on the student’s age, different subjects and courses are taught.

How long does it take to become an English teacher?

How long does it take to become an English teacher? To become an English teacher, you will need to pursue this career path for a minimum of 6 years. This will change depending on the degree you choose to pursue.

For instance, completing a doctoral program can take more than four years. Typically, student teaching programs are used to prepare students who want to become teachers for this profession.

Students have the chance to test out their teaching methods in a real classroom setting through these courses. To work as a teacher in your state after finishing your education and training, you must obtain certification.

Ways of how to Become a Teacher of English:

How long does it take to become an English teacher? To go from being a student to being a teacher in a classroom, an ambitious teacher goes through these phases. This is the route that most people who wish to teach English take, though it may vary depending on the institution they attend.

Step 1: Get an education degree in English.

How long does it take to become an English teacher? To work as an English teacher in an elementary, middle, or high school, you must have a bachelor’s degree or higher. In this instance, being an English teacher takes about 4 years. However, English teachers must hold a master’s or doctoral degree in order to teach in a college or university.

Obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in English will allow you to start the process. Additionally, the teaching program needs certification. The most well-known teacher certification program is the Council for the Certification of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

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In order to apply for admission to the program, you must list education as your major at the majority of universities. Typically, this is done during the second year of college. Therefore, to become an English teacher, it is mandatory for you to pursue your degree in English.

Step 2: Pass the required teaching examination

After earning your degree in education, you must sit for and pass the teaching exam. Depending on the state in which you intend to teach, the exam you must take may change. The two main tests are PRAXIS and NES. Some prospective teachers decide to take both tests in order to be completely prepared.

There are two components to the PRAXIS exam: Praxis I and Praxis II. Reading, writing, and mathematics are all included on the core exam, known as Praxis I. The Praxis II test comprises two parts and is subject-based.

In the first part, candidates for teaching are evaluated on their knowledge of a particular subject, such English. The Principles of Learning section of the test, which is divided into sections for early childhood education, kindergarten through sixth grade, fifth through ninth grade, and grades seven through twelve, assesses the test-understanding takers of the age range he or she plans to teach.

The NES test is given by the states, and each one chooses the questions that will be on their version of the examination. The best way to prepare for this test is to acquire the study resources.

Step 3: Submit to All Background Checks Required

How long does it take to become an English teacher? You can start applying for teaching opportunities in the school districts where you want to work once you have taken and passed the necessary tests. Accepting and passing background checks is one of the first phases in the procedure.

As the process can take some time, you should start it as soon as possible if you don’t want to miss out on a job opportunity because your results didn’t come back in time. Most school districts have a requirement for a criminal background check, but they also have preferred ways to obtain those checks.

Some local law enforcement agencies will complete one for you; other districts prefer that you submit through a particular agency and search a database. While some states just demand a background check that covers the last few years and the area in which you now reside, others demand a countrywide search of all adult records.

Finding out what information your desired school district needs and providing it to them is the best course of action.

Step 4: Apply for a Position in Popular School Districts

Applying for a position as a teacher can be very time-consuming. There is typically a packet with numerous requirements. To ensure that you complete the application and deliver all necessary documents on time, you should carefully read over all of the materials. Here we have a few examples of general teaching applications:

Employment application attestation letters and copies of all of your school records. Although formal transcripts will eventually be required, you can submit unofficial copies with your application. Payment requirements for particular background checks.


Hope now you will have a better understanding of how to become an English Teacher and How long does it take to become an English teacher? Therefore, it is simple to become an English teacher by taking the steps listed above.

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