Home Education Why is it Important to Learn Mother Tongue?

Why is it Important to Learn Mother Tongue?

by Abeera Arshad
Why is it Important to Learn Mother Tongue?

Why is it important to learn mother tongue? As we know that mother tongue is the base of our leanings and it has as much as importance in our lives as we have seen national language. Below given are some points and headings that will explain us it’s importance in an easy way.

What is Mother Tongue? 

The language we use since birth is our mother tongue. We get all the rituals and behavior through this. With this language, we connect with our culture and carry forward its heritage.  

Greeting the people of all the states on Mother Language Day – every person who is celebrating the festival. Any reason is perfect for celebration. Every province in India has a different culture; There is a different identity. They have their own distinctive cuisine, music and folk songs. It is very important to maintain this uniqueness, encourage it.

Need for Teaching in Mother Tongue:

Today children have forgotten to count in their mother tongue. I encourage them to learn, use their mother tongue and preserve this heritage.

It is a real fact that when more languages you understand and know, the better you learn. Whichever province, state you are from, at least you must know the dialect there. You should not miss any chance to learn the dialect there; At least there count, children’s poems and folk songs. There is no need for the whole world to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star or Ba-Ba Black Sheep. There are so many good and esoteric folk songs, children’s poems, couplets, verses in our local language, which we are often forgettin

Very beautiful couplets are available in every province of India and the same is true for all over the world. For example, a German child learns mathematics in his mother tongue, German, and not in English as German is his mother tongue. Similarly, a child living in Italy also learns counting in Italian language and Spanish child in Spanish language.

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Importance of mother tongue teaching: 

Indian children are forgetting their vernacular language in which they should at least count. This also has a bad effect on their brain and their ability to do maths in the vernacular becomes weak.

When we were young children, mathematics from classes 1st to 4th was taught in the vernacular. Now slowly this practice is disappearing. 

It is now a fashion for children not to speak in the native language, mother tongue. This increases the distance between the children of the village and the city. 

The children of the village, the countryside who learn everything in their local language feel inferior and the children of the city who learn everything in English start to think of themselves as superior, better. 

There should be a change in this approach. Our children should learn by respecting their mother tongue and in it folk songs filled with philosophical sentiments. Otherwise we will surely miss something important.

Your Culture, Civilization: 

In 1970, I went to Kerala during college. Then only Kerala food was available to eat ‘red colored rice’. They didn’t know anything about white rice, pulao etc. They used to eat the same traditional boiled red rice which is very healthy. 

  • But today if you go there, you will find everything like burgers, pizza, sandwiches etc. But some enlightened, learned people kept that practice alive and slowly brought it back.
  • Therefore, every province has its own unique feature – the food, culture, dialect, music, dance, etc., which should be respected and that heritage should be preserved. This is the real diversity that we should respect and encourage. 
  • Only then will we really meet the criterion of ‘Unity in Diversity’ which can be exemplified throughout the world.
  • I would say the same thing about the tribal culture of the world. Canada has its own distinctive aboriginal species. They have their own culture and this species has the honor of being the first citizen there. 
  • Similarly in America, the people of Native America or American Indians, who have now forgotten their language, but still they have kept their culture, civilization alive. Similarly, it is the same in the South American continent.

FAQ on Mother Tongue: 

What do you understand by mother tongue?

The language which you have been listening to from your parents since childhood, the language of your place of birth and country which you mostly hear and speak, is called your mother tongue.

What do you understand by mother tongue, what is its importance in language teaching?

The language you speak from birth is your mother tongue. Its teaching not only connects the person with his culture and heritage but also helps in taking him forward.

What is the difference between national language and mother tongue?

The language which is spoken and understood by the maximum number of people of the country is called the national language. This language remains valid throughout the country, whereas the language which we learn after birth from our parents and the surrounding environment is called mother tongue.

What is the mother tongue and why is it necessary to know the mother tongue?

The language you speak from birth is your mother tongue. Its teaching not only connects the person with his culture and heritage but also helps in taking him forward.

What are the benefits of mother tongue?

Mother tongue not only connects a person with his culture and heritage but also helps in taking it forward.


At the end of this article Why is it Important to Learn Mother Tongue? I can confidently say that now you are clear about the importance of Mother tongue as well as it’s attached terms. Now, you must learn your national as well as mother tongue.

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