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Join Pak Army

by Abeera Arshad

We have provided the best mcqs based content on this website to prepare for Pakistan Army Intelligence Test, who is who in Pakistan, MCAT, ECAT also you will get the material of other subjects like Chemistry, Physics, English, Islamic Studies.If you want to do preparation for the Initial test of Pakistan Army then https://educationistmind.com/category/online-quiz/ is one of the best website for you providing best mcqs material quizzes that will help you to get ready for the Pakistan Army Initial Test.

Pak Army Intelligence Test

Created on By
Abeera Arshad

Pak Army Intelligence Test

1 / 9

1) One Third of One Half is _____?

2 / 9

2) Select the next number in the below series.
3 8 15 24 _?

3 / 9

3) Select the different one from the rest.

4 / 9

4) Select the next number in the below series.
101 105 111 119 ___?

5 / 9

5) Select the different one from the rest.

6 / 9

6) Select the different one from the rest.

7 / 9

7) If FGZQ = MORE and BPQWF = STEAM, then the code FQPZQ means.

8 / 9

8) 2.In this question, the two numbers are given below:: the two numbers after it have the same relationshIp like this one. Tick the correct one.

9 / 9

9) 1.In this question, the two numbers are given below:: the two numbers after it have the same relationship like this one. Tick the correct one.


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