Home Education Best Elementary Schools in Denver, CO

Best Elementary Schools in Denver, CO

by Abeera Arshad

Denver, Colorado, has a thriving education scene, and several of its elementary schools have won praise for their dedication to providing top-notch educational opportunities. A caring environment that fosters intellectual development, creativity, and character development is fostered by these institutions, which represent the pinnacle of academic success. The best elementary schools in Denver are renowned for their committed teachers, cutting-edge teaching techniques, and comprehensive curricula that meet the individual requirements of every kid. Beyond academic success, these top schools in Denver place a strong emphasis on developing a sense of belonging, promoting inclusivity, and guiding students toward being responsible, compassionate citizens. The broad selection of the best elementary schools in Denver has to offer might provide comfort to parents and guardians looking for great educational chances for their students.

Best Elementary Schools in Denver, CO

The best elementary schools in Denver are listed by Educationist mind. After considering alumni feedback and Google ratings, all of these universities were selected.

  1. Steck Elementary School

Best Elementary Schools in Denver: In Denver, Colorado, Steck Elementary School is a well-known school. Through academic excellence and a supportive learning environment, Steck Elementary offers its students a comprehensive education. It is quickly rising to the top of the state’s schools, serving more than 300 pupils from prekindergarten through fifth grade. Full-day early childhood programs are also available at this institution. In addition to the core disciplines of math, science, social studies, and reading, students often participate in enrichment activities like music, art, and physical activity. The committed and knowledgeable teachers at Steck Elementary make sure that each student receives individualized attention and support in order to flourish academically and socially.

Contact Details

Address: 450 Albion St, Denver, CO 80220

Phone No: +17204243870

  • Park Hill Elementary School

In 1893, the Park Hill Elementary School was founded. Students from kindergarten through fifth grade are served by it. The curriculum at Park Hill Elementary is carefully planned, with a strong emphasis on science, social studies, maths and literacy. For academic needs, this school has teachers who are highly qualified. Additionally, it has knowledgeable staff for other programs and courses, such as Spanish language instruction and arts, music, dance, and drama. The Collaborative School Committee enables collaboration between parents, teachers, and students for the benefit of the students.

Contact Details

Address: 5050 E 19th Ave, Denver, CO 80220

Phone No: +17204244910

  • Carson Elementary School

Mary G. Carson started Carson Elementary School in 1952. She devoted 45 years of her life to serving there as a principal and teacher. This school offers center-based programs for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Around 400 students can be accommodated in regular classroom settings. Spanish and Chinese-Mandarin are taught as international languages. Carson Elementary provides a thorough curriculum centered on academic success in addition to core topics, the arts, physical education, and extracurricular activities.

Contact Details

Address:5420 E 1st Ave, Denver, CO 80220

Phone No: +17204249090

  • Lowry Elementary School

Lowry Elementary School, a highly regarded educational facility in Denver, Colorado, is renowned for its academic quality and community involvement. At Lowry Elementary, a school with a focus on the needs of each student, a full curriculum emphasizing core courses and enrichment activities is provided. The committed teachers and staff at Lowry Elementary support kids in achieving academic, social, and emotional success. The school values critical thinking, collaborative problem-solving, and critical thinking. Students at Lowry Elementary School are also taught respect, accountability, and compassion. The Lowry Elementary School promotes a deep feeling of community and a dedication to the academic success of its students.

Contact Details

Address: 8001 E Cedar Ave, Denver, CO 80230

Phone No: +17204245910

  • Slavens K-8 School

It is one of the most well-recognized educational institutions in the state and is situated in Denver, Colorado. Due to the school’s commitment to academic success, Slavens K-8 students receive a top-notch educational experience. The school offers a wide range of academic courses, such as technology, physical education, and fine arts. Through the commitment and expertise of its instructors, Slavens K-8 offers a well-rounded education that equips children for success in high school and beyond. Along with character education, the school promotes a happy, welcoming atmosphere where students feel supported and motivated to succeed. Slavens K-8 School is known for its outstanding academic results and caring atmosphere.

Contact Details

Address: 3000 S Clayton St, Denver, CO 80210

Phone No: +17204244150

  • Steele Elementary School

Steele Elementary School is one of Denver’s top schools that was established in 1970. It is a public school with a student body of 500 people who attend kindergarten through fifth grade. Since it was approved by the board, Steele is the first candidate for International Baccalaureate school. This educational facility is dedicated to giving its students a top-notch educational experience. They provide lessons in music, art, and the Spanish language. To encourage critical thinking, teachers encourage students to engage in Socratic dialogues and debates. Character development, community building, creativity, action, and curriculum are all encouraged at Steele Elementary.

Contact Details

Address: 320 S Marion St Pkwy, Denver, CO 80209

Phone No: +17204243720

  • Teller Elementary School

Denver, Colorado’s Teller Elementary School is renowned for its dedication to both academic performance and community involvement. Teller Elementary offers a thorough curriculum that encourages intellectual development, critical thinking, and creativity using a student-centered learning approach. Teller Elementary’s committed teachers foster a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages children to discover their passions and realize their full potential. Along with character education, the school places a strong emphasis on encouraging pupils to be kind, respectful, and responsible. Teller Elementary School actively involves parents and members of the neighborhood in the academic development of its students.

Contact Details

Address: 1150 Garfield St, Denver, CO 80206

Phone No: +17204243560

  • Edison Elementary School

Students in kindergarten through fifth grade attend Edison Elementary School, a public institution in Denver, Colorado. The school has a 94% free or reduced-price meal eligibility rate despite having a student body that is overwhelmingly Hispanic (92%), with only 8% of pupils being Caucasian. As a Title I school, it is supported by federal funding to help low-income families and offers crucial programs like tutoring, summer school, and mentoring to help academically challenged pupils. A committed literacy coach collaborates with teachers at Edison Elementary to improve instruction in both reading and maths. Students are also supported in these areas by the school’s community relationships. Being a community school, it provides resources to the larger community, such as a computer lab, library, and health clinic, demonstrating its dedication to developing education and support for all.

Contact Details

Address:  3350 Quitman St, Denver, CO 80212

Phone No: +17204247780


Steck, Park Hill, Carson, Lowry, Slavens K-8, Steele, Teller, Edison, Swigert International, and Cory are just a few of the best Elementary Schools in Denver. In addition to fostering academic brilliance, creativity, and character growth, these institutions excel at offering exceptional learning experiences. These elite elementary schools cultivate compassionate and responsible individuals thanks to committed teachers, cutting-edge teaching techniques, and a focus on community and inclusion, making Denver the ideal center for top-notch educational options.

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