Home How To How To Teach Math In Interesting Way?

How To Teach Math In Interesting Way?

by Abeera Arshad
How To Teach Math In Interesting Way?

Still looking for “how to teach math in interesting way “so don’t worry about it, you are reading right article now. Teaching mathematics effectively has been a challenge for many teachers in the education sector? The common issue is how to help students understand and be able to keep in mind all the formulas and calculations as long as possible hold numbers for calculations in the brain for a long time.

Worry no more. Your problem will be resolved after reading our top creative ways to teach mathematics below. We make sure that your math tuition can be the best one soon in the future!

How To Teach Math In Interesting Way?

Draw Pictures

For much-complicated math word problems, drawing pictures or diagrams will be useful techniques for students in solving them because they will easily visualize and find out complex math issues such as algebra, geometry, or even probability.

  • Not only that, this method can interest learners much more in the calculation, especially for those who do not have an aptitude for mathematics or find it so boring.
  • For example, if you ask them to calculate how much money they have after buying books last month, you should instruct them to visualize the number they had before the purchase, then the price of the books they bought, after that, cross out the latter to find out the result- which is the amount of money they have left.

Thus, encourage your students to draw pictures in mathematical education and make a habit of creating works of art at all subsequent stages.

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Create Math’s Games

Students tend to be very interested in games, so this technique is also an excellent way for you to apply. It helps to create more fun and simultaneously boost students’ mathematics and critical thinking in your lesson.

  1. They can also improve teamwork skills while playing the game among groups or build much more confidence and independence if they play alone. Not to mention, they have an opportunity to practice winning and losing graciously and respectfully by playing games with a competitive aspect.
  2. For much-complicated math word problems, drawing pictures or diagrams will be useful techniques for students in solving them because they will easily visualize and find out complex math issues such as algebra, geometry, or even probability.
  3. Not only that, this method can interest learners much more in the calculation, especially for those who do not have an aptitude for mathematics or find it so boring.

Create Math’s Games

Students tend to be very interested in games, so this technique is also an excellent way for you to apply. It helps to create more fun and simultaneously boost students’ mathematics and critical thinking in your lesson.

  • They can also improve teamwork skills while playing the game among groups or build much more confidence and independence if they play alone.
  • Not to mention, they have an opportunity to practice winning and losing graciously and respectfully by playing games with a competitive aspect.

Have Students Communicate Their Reasoning.

Students need to explain their reasoning when solving problems. In order for a teacher to determine if every student truly understands the objective for the class period, it’s necessary for each student to communicate both orally and in writing.

By giving the class ten minutes to discuss their reasoning with each other while exploring multiple ways of solving the problems, you’ll promote excellent engagement and learning. It’s not always easy to get students talking in class, but there are ways to encourage them

Finish Class With A Summary

Everyone can get lost in the class period, and it’s easy to lose track of time until the bell rings and class is over. The final seven minutes might be the most critical in making sure that students have understood the day’s learning objective. You can use this time to accomplish three very important things:

  • A quick formative assessment to determine how much was learned, such as students self-rating their comfort with the concept on a 1-5 scale
  • Reviewing the objective for the class period and brief discussion as to where the lesson will go next time
  • Previewing the homework together to avoid any confusion

Write A Word Problem

Why not have your pupils compose their own word problems instead of just doing mathematics exercises as normal? It will not only provide them with a better knowledge of the basic formulae for a certain problem, but it will also be a fun approach to try something new in arithmetic.

You might want to create a filling in the blanks template for them at the beginning of this method then increase the complexity at subsequent stages. Allow them to exchange their exercises with classmates to create a variety and help them remember better.

Reward Progress

A teacher high-fives a student in her classroom as she teaches elementary math.

Mastering multiplication or successfully tackling time-telling is a big deal for kids — so why not take the chance to celebrate a little?

  • At the end of a big test, unit or project, take a moment to celebrate everything students achieved. Give space for students to share their final products with the class.
  • Student-led celebrations can help you incorporate math and other skills into your celebration, too! Have students decide on a theme, budget (if any), decorations and volunteers to add a little extra learning to the fun.

Frequently; Asked Questions

How Is Math Used In Tech?

Modern technology would be unthinkable without mathematics. The relationship is reciprocal, since mathematics also needs technology. Today, mathematicians use computers not only for calculations, but also for numerous other tasks, including the search for proofs, validations, and counter-examples.

Who Invented Math?

The earliest evidence of written mathematics dates back to the ancient Sumerians, who built the earliest civilization in Mesopotamia. They developed a complex system of metrology from 3000 BC.

Who Found Zero?

About 773 AD the mathematician Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khwarizmi was the first to work on equations that were equal to zero (now known as algebra), though he called it ‘sifr’. By the ninth century the zero was part of the Arabic numeral system in a similar shape to the present day oval we now use.

Who Invented Pi?

The first calculation of π was done by Archimedes of Syracuse (287–212 BC), one of the greatest mathematicians of the ancient world.


Hope after reading this article you understand “how to teach math in interesting way “teach mathematics we provided will be useful for you. However, whether they are effective or not, mainly depends on how they are conducted by you.

You might need to apply your knowledge flexibly to evaluate and modify instructional resources and convey the subject in an honest and accessible manner. But the most important is trying to listen and see your pupils’ reactions to your teaching approaches and adjust your lessons accordingly.

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