Home Education Top Ranking Universities in Pakistan for CS

Top Ranking Universities in Pakistan for CS

by Abeera Arshad
Top Ranking Universities in Pakistan for CS

Top ranking universities in Pakistan for CS, Are you thinking of going to university? Do you ever think about which university you want to go to? Do you know how to choose a good university and program from the several universities and programs?

If yes!


But if you don’t know about choosing the best university and program, then don’t get worried and have a look at this article.

As a science student, you should opt medical field or the computer field. Both of these are the best fields and their scope is very high nowadays but this guide will only discuss the computer field and it will explain to you each and everything about the top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS.

University is a place where a person enters into a life of adulthood. University life is the most significant, exciting, and compelling period of our life. You can develop your independence, meet several new people, and generally have a great time and fun at university.

University life is dedicated to encouraging student development and achievement in all that they undertake. It includes programs that foster a sense of community it provides services and tools to support students in their academic endeavors. 

University education is crucial for securing a respectable job, encouraging personal development, and improving society.

1st step of university selection:

Top Ranking Universities in Pakistan for CS, Making a decision about which universities to apply to is the first difficult step in the university application process. University planning is actually understanding your higher education goals. Many college-bound students opt for four-year universities, but others are interested in community colleges or trade schools.

But the problem is which university do you want to choose?

Private or public university?

No doubt most people want to go to public universities instead of private ones as public universities are state-funded, low costs, and tend to be larger and more diverse. Private universities vary in size, costs more, and are generally looking to create a cohesive student body but nowadays, there is no difference left between government and private universities because they all are hiring well-educated staff and private universities are also expanding their campuses.

So, choosing a university to attend can be done at random or by carefully considering your options over a period of months. You need to confirm that you are satisfied with each one regardless of the choice and for that, you must look for a good university. If you want to do CS, you should search out the top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS which are discussed below:

Which are the top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS?

There are two types of top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS:

Public Universities

Public sectors are state-funded sectors.  In Pakistan the public top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS are:

1. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology

COMSATS is one of the top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS. The Federal Government oversees COMSATS University. COMSATS has many campuses in Pakistan but the main campus is located in Islamabad. Numerous graduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degree programs are offered by this university.

2. (NUST) The National University of Sciences & Technology

NUST is the top university in Pakistan for engineering, technology, and computer science. Internationally recognized instruction in computer science and software engineering is provided at the NUST School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (SEECS). The NUST Institute of Information and Technology was founded in 1999. It offers several computer programs like Bachelors, MPhil, and Ph.D. in Computer Science.

3. (UET) University of Engineering and Technology

UET is Pakistan’s oldest existing university. Students studying computer science receive training to become outstanding professionals who use information systems and computer technology to benefit society as a whole.

4. Air University, Islamabad

One of Islamabad’s top universities for computer science is Air University. It was started by Pakistan Air Force in 2002. (PAF). It also offers a vast range of computer programs.

5. (ITU) Information Technology University

Information Technology University is one of Pakistan’s top universities and a rising star. The Arfa Software Technology Park contains it. Umar Saif, a former instructor at Cambridge-MIT Institute, launched ITU in 2012. It offers different subjects like BSCS, BS Management and Technology, and BS/MS Economics with Data Sciences.

6. (PUCIT) Punjab University College of Information Technology

One of the top institutions for computer science is Punjab University College of Information Technology, which is situated in Lahore, Pakistan. In 1988, PUCIT was founded under the name Centre for Computer Science. With 5000 students enrolled, PUCIT is Lahore’s top computer science school.

7. GCU (Government College University)

One of the top computer science programs in the nation is offered at GCU Lahore. This is due to the university’s lengthy history of turning forth excellent graduates.

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Private Universities

Private sectors are state-owned sectors. In Pakistan the private top-ranking universities in Pakistan for CS are:

1. (FAST) National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences

FAST is one of Pakistan’s top universities for computer science. Providing excellent technical education is what FAST University is renowned for. It provides a variety of graduate, postgraduate, and engineering education programs. There is also a lot of business, management, social science, and humanities disciplines offered there.

2. (LUMS) Lahore University of Management Sciences

LUMS is also included in the top private universities in Pakistan and offers a wide range of programs. It is one of Pakistan’s most expensive universities. According to QS rankings from 2016, LUMS is ranked 700th globally and 110th in Asia.

3. (UMT) University of Management and Technology

This is one of the renowned private universities in Pakistan and is offering a wide range of courses but is famous for computer science.

4. (GIKI) Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering, Sciences, and Technology

GIKI is a private elite university located in KPK. According to HEC, GIKI is one of the best universities. Currently, 1670 students are enrolled at the institute. Programs available through the institute include Computer Sciences, BS, MS, Ph.D., and Computer Engineering with a BS.


This blog has provided a comprehensive list of all the top computer science universities in Pakistan because choosing the ideal university for your needs to advance your career can be time-consuming. Nearly all of the fundamental details are provided and discussed above. The courses that the universities are offering are also listed. Hope this article helps you in identifying the finest environment in which to learn and shape your personality and profession.

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