Home Blog Sweatcoin App Not Working Complete Guide

Sweatcoin App Not Working Complete Guide

by Abeera Arshad
Sweatcoin App Not Working

Sweatcoin App Not Working, Are you having trouble getting the Sweatcoin app to work? If so, you are not alone. Many users have been running into issues with the popular health and fitness app that rewards you for walking or running. In this blog post, we’ll discuss 5 possible reasons why the Sweatcoin app might not be working for you.

Sweatcoin App Not Working

If you’re using the Sweatcoin app and not seeing any coins, one of the most common reasons could be that you’re not walking enough.

The Sweatcoin app tracks your steps using your phone’s GPS and sensors, and only counts steps taken outside. It’s important to understand that Sweatcoin doesn’t track every step taken during the day, so if you’re taking fewer than 2000 steps per day outside, you won’t earn any coins.

You can increase your step count by taking a walk around the block or going on a jog in the morning. If you don’t have time to go for a walk, you can also try wearing a fitness tracker and linking it to the Sweatcoin app to get more accurate tracking.

It’s also important to note that if you’re walking in an area with limited cell phone service, like a remote park or forest, the app might not be able to track your steps properly. If you’re walking somewhere without good service, you can try turning on airplane mode on your phone or switching to another app that uses motion-tracking technology, such as Moves.

You can also use an activity tracker to link with the Sweatcoin app and track your steps more accurately. A fitness tracker will record all your activity throughout the day and add up your total steps, even if you’re indoors or in an area with limited cell phone service.

There are many different types of activity trackers on the market, so make sure to choose one that has all the features you need, such as heart rate monitoring, calorie counting, and sleep tracking.

Top Reasons Why Sweatcoin App Not Working?

Your Phone isn’t Compatible

Sweatcoin App Not Working, If you’re having trouble with the Sweatcoin app, it could be due to your phone not being compatible. The Sweatcoin app is only available for iPhones and Android phones running 5.0 or later.

If your phone is running an older version of the operating system or it is not an iPhone or Android device, then the app may not be compatible with your device. Additionally, if you have a tablet or iPod, the Sweatcoin app will not work on those devices either.

To ensure that the app is compatible with your device, you can check the list of compatible devices in the Sweatcoin app store page or on the official website. If your device isn’t on the list, then unfortunately you will not be able to use the Sweatcoin app.

Another reason why the app may not be working is that you don’t have a strong enough internet connection. The Sweatcoin app needs an internet connection in order to update your step count and sync your data with their servers.

If your internet connection is weak or spotty, then the app may not be able to update your steps properly. To fix this, you can try to reset your router, switch to a different Wi-Fi network, or use your phone’s mobile data.

Another issue that could be causing your Sweatcoin app to not work is a lack of memory on your device. The Sweatcoin app requires a certain amount of free space in order to function properly.

If you are running low on space on your phone, then this could be causing the app to not function correctly. To fix this, you can try deleting some apps, photos, or other files that you don’t need in order to free up some memory on your device.

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You’re Not in a Supported Country

Sweatcoin App Not Working, If you’re located in a country not supported by the Sweatcoin app, then you won’t be able to use it. Currently, Sweatcoin is only available in the United States, Canada, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe (excluding Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus). If you are in one of these countries and still having issues, please check the other reasons listed in this article.

  1. If you’re not in a supported country and are still interested in using the Sweatcoin app, you may have to wait until it’s available in your area. Alternatively, you can look into alternative apps or websites that offer similar rewards for physical activity such as Achievement, ActivityHero, and Bitwalking.
  •  Finally, if you are in a supported country and still having trouble getting the app to work, it could be due to a compatibility issue with your device.
  • The Sweatcoin app is only compatible with devices that use iOS 10 or higher, or Android 5.0 or higher. If your device doesn’t meet these requirements, you may need to upgrade to use the app.
  •  If you are in a supported country and have a compatible device, then your issue might be related to your internet connection. The Sweatcoin app requires a strong and reliable internet connection in order to work properly.
  • Make sure you have an active Wi-Fi connection or a strong cellular connection before attempting to use the app. If you’re still having trouble connecting, try restarting your device or switching from Wi-Fi to cellular (or vice versa). This may help resolve any connection issues you may be experiencing.
  •  Finally, it’s possible that your issue may be caused by a bug in the app itself. If you’re experiencing any unusual behavior while using the app, it could be due to a bug in the code.
  •  If this is the case, you can try contacting their customer service team and letting them know what’s going on. They should be able to troubleshoot any issues and get you back up and running in no time.
  •  Another possible reason why you might be having trouble using the Sweatcoin app is that you don’t have enough battery life left on your device. Since the app needs to constantly track your activity in order to reward you with coins, it can take up a lot of your device’s resources.
  •  Make sure you have at least 20-30% battery life before using the app, as this will ensure that it runs smoothly and rewards you for all your hard work.

The App is down

It’s possible that the Sweatcoin app is simply down. This could be due to maintenance, a technical issue, or some other problem that is outside of your control.

  1. If this is the case, the best course of action is to wait it out and see if the app starts working again. You can also check their Twitter page to see if they have made any announcements about the app being down. If so, they may provide a timeline for when it should be back up and running.
  2. You can also try restarting your phone, as this may help the app run more smoothly. Additionally, it is always wise to make sure you are running the latest version of the Sweatcoin app, as it may have a bug fix or other improvement that will help get it up and running.
  3.  If none of these tips work, you can always reach out to their customer service. They may be able to provide further troubleshooting steps or inform you of an issue with the app that you weren’t aware of. Keep in mind that it is likely that you are not the only one experiencing an issue, so they may already be aware of it and working on a fix.
  4.  If you’re using an Android phone, you may want to check that you have granted all of the necessary permissions for the app.
  5.  If not, the app may not be able to access certain features or use certain functions, and it might be why you’re experiencing problems. To grant permissions on an Android phone, go to Settings > Apps > Sweatcoin > Permissions, and make sure that all of the boxes are checked.

You’ve Reached your Daily Limit

If you find that the Sweatcoin app isn’t working for you, it could be that you have reached your daily limit. Sweatcoin has a limit of 5,000 coins per day and once you hit that limit, the app won’t work anymore. To get around this, you will need to wait until the next day when your limit is reset.

 This can be frustrating if you were hoping to get more coins but it’s a good way to make sure that people don’t abuse the system and take advantage of the rewards. If you are still having trouble with the app, it’s worth checking out some of the other troubleshooting steps mentioned above.

  • It might also be useful to check out the FAQ page on their website or reach out to their customer service team who should be able to help you resolve any problems you’re having.
  • It’s also important to keep in mind that the app is regularly updated so you may want to double-check that you’re running the most up-to-date version on your device.
  • Finally, while the Sweatcoin app isn’t perfect and there may be times when it doesn’t work as expected, there are plenty of satisfied users who are enjoying all the rewards that come with using it. So don’t give up just yet – keep trying and eventually, things should start to work properly.
  • If you’ve tried all of the above solutions and are still having trouble, it might be worth considering if your device has enough storage space to accommodate the app.
  • The Sweatcoin app needs to be able to store data in order to keep track of your activity, so if you don’t have enough free space on your device, it won’t be able to do that. Make sure to check your device’s storage and if necessary, clear up some space so that you can get back to using the app.
  • If you’re still having issues with the Sweatcoin app, it might be a good idea to try uninstalling and reinstalling it. This can sometimes help to fix any glitches that may have been caused by an update or if something is stuck in the app’s memory. It can also be useful to turn your device off and on again after you reinstall, as this can often help to reset the app and get it working properly.

Sweatcoin not counting steps android

If you’re an Android user and you’ve noticed that the Sweatcoin app isn’t counting your steps, there are a few potential causes for this. Firstly, make sure that you have given the app the necessary permissions on your phone. Without these permissions, it won’t be able to access the data it needs to count your steps.

  • Secondly, if you are using a fitness tracker or pedometer with your Android device, it’s possible that Sweatcoin may not be able to access the data from the device. This is because Sweatcoin has yet to develop compatible apps for all of the different fitness-tracking devices and apps available on the market.
  • Finally, make sure that you are connected to Wi-Fi or a strong cellular signal. Sweatcoin requires a strong connection in order to sync your data and count your steps. If you are experiencing problems, try connecting to a stronger network and see if that resolves the issue.
  • If none of these tips work, consider uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This will allow it to start from scratch and may resolve any issues that you are having.
  •  Finally, if you’re still having problems with the app not counting your steps, you can try reaching out to the Sweatcoin team directly. The Sweatcoin Support page has plenty of information and resources to help troubleshoot any issues you may be experiencing. They also have a 24/7 online chat support service that you can use if you need more help.
  •  If you’re using an iPhone and you’re having problems with your Sweatcoin app, try rebooting your device. This can often help clear up any bugs or issues that may be causing your app to malfunction. If that doesn’t work, you can try going into your iPhone settings and seeing if there are any updates available for the Sweatcoin app.
  •  If so, be sure to download them, as this can help fix any issues you may be experiencing. Finally, if none of these solutions work, reach out to the Sweatcoin team for more help.
  •  Finally, if your device is running slowly or freezing while you’re using Sweatcoin, you may need to upgrade your hardware. Sweatcoin requires a minimum of 2GB RAM and iOS 10.0 or Android 4.4 to work properly.
  • If your device is older than this, you may need to upgrade it or purchase a newer model in order to get the most out of the app. Additionally, make sure that your device has plenty of storage space available, as this can also affect how well the app runs.

Sweatcoin Generation Stopped

If you are experiencing a sudden stop in Sweatcoin generation, it could be due to a number of factors. First, make sure that you have an active internet connection, as Sweatcoin requires access to the internet to function correctly.

Additionally, check to make sure that your device is compatible with the app – if it isn’t, it won’t be able to generate Sweatcoins.

If both of these factors check out, try opening and closing the app a few times. This can often help reset the app and get it running again.

  • You should also make sure you’re keeping your phone on you at all times when you’re walking or running – Sweatcoin won’t be able to detect any steps taken if your phone isn’t close by.
  • If none of the above solutions work for you, you may want to consider uninstalling and reinstalling the Sweatcoin app. This can often help resolve technical issues that may have been preventing Sweatcoin from generating coins for you.
  • We hope these tips help you get your Sweatcoin generation back up and running!
  • Finally, if all else fails, you may want to reach out to the Sweatcoin team directly. Their customer service is top notch and they’ll be able to troubleshoot any issues you’re having with the app.
  • They can also help walk you through the process of uninstalling and reinstalling the app if you need assistance. The more information you can provide them about your issue, the better they’ll be able to help you get your Sweatcoin generation back on track!
  • It’s also important to keep an eye on your step count in the app. If you notice that it’s not going up, even when you’re walking or running, then there may be an issue with your phone’s accelerometer.

Try recalibrating your phone’s settings and make sure it’s still tracking steps correctly. If all else fails, you may need to reach out to your phone’s manufacturer for further assistance.

Sweatcoin requirements

In order to use the Sweatcoin app, there are some requirements that must be met if you are facing  Sweatcoin App Not Working.

  1. First, the app is only available to those living in certain countries. The United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland are currently supported.
  • Second, your device needs to meet the minimum system requirements to run the app. Sweatcoin works on Android 5.0 or higher and iOS 11.0 or higher.
  • Third, you need to have a valid Google or Apple account to sign into the app.
  • Fourth, you must be at least 18 years old to use the Sweatcoin app.
  • Finally, your device must have an accelerometer that measures your steps accurately. This means you need to have a device with a pedometer feature built-in, or you can connect an external pedometer such as a FitBit or Garmin.
  • Once you have met all of these requirements, you’re ready to start earning Sweatcoins for your daily steps!
  •  Finally, it’s important to remember that GPS tracking is not currently supported on the app. This means that you will only be able to track your steps when you are outdoors and near a GPS signal. If you’re indoors or in an area with limited GPS access, your steps won’t be recorded by the app.
  • Therefore, if you live in a rural area or an area with poor GPS coverage, your step count might be lower than expected. However, this won’t affect your ability to earn coins as long as you meet all of the other requirements.

Sweatcoin Google Sign In Error

If you are trying to sign in to your Sweatcoin account via Google, you may be experiencing a sign-in error. This issue is usually caused by incorrect or incomplete information entered when attempting to sign in with Google. In order to fix this issue, it’s important to ensure that all the information entered is correct and up-to-date.

First, make sure that you are using the correct email address for the Google account that you wish to use for Sweatcoin. Double-check that all the details are correct including your username and password.

If this does not resolve the issue, try logging out of all your other Google accounts and then attempt to log in to Sweatcoin with the desired Google account again. If this still doesn’t work, you can try clearing your browser’s cache and cookies.

Finally, if none of these solutions work, you can contact Sweatcoin support through their website or app and they will help you resolve any login issues you might have.

Alternatively, if you would prefer not to use your Google account for Sweatcoin, you can always sign in with Facebook. This is usually a much simpler and more reliable way of logging in as it usually requires fewer steps.

Sweatcoin App Not Working, Just make sure that you are using the same email address associated with both your Facebook and Sweatcoin accounts, otherwise, you may run into issues.

If all else fails, you can always try creating a new Sweatcoin account. All you need to do is enter a valid email address, create a secure password and then agree to their Terms of Service.

Your account is set up, you’ll be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with being a Sweatcoin member. Just make sure to save all your login information in a safe place so that you don’t lose access to your account.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is my Sweatcoin app not working?

There could be several reasons why your Sweatcoin app isn’t working properly. These could include a lack of walking, using an incompatible device, being in an unsupported country, the app being down or you’ve reached your daily limit.

2. How do I fix Sweatcoin not counting steps on Android?

If Sweatcoin is not counting steps on your Android device, the first thing to do is make sure that you have enabled permissions for the app to access your device’s sensors. You can do this by going to Settings > Apps > Sweatcoin > Permissions and ensuring all permissions are enabled.

3. What are the requirements for Sweatcoin?

To use Sweatcoin, you will need an internet-connected smartphone with either Android 6 or iOS 11 operating system and above. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the GPS location services are turned on and that the latest version of the Sweatcoin app is installed.

4. Why won’t Sweatcoin let me sign in with Google?

If you are experiencing issues signing in with Google, make sure that you are using the correct Google account and that you have followed all of the login instructions provided by the app. If you are still having trouble logging in, try deleting and re-installing the app or restarting your phone.

5. Why has my Sweatcoin generation stopped?

If your Sweatcoin generation has stopped, it may be because you have hit your daily limit of 5,000 steps or reached a level that requires you to pay for a premium membership. Additionally, if your device is not compatible with Sweatcoin or your GPS connection is weak, this may also prevent Sweatcoin from tracking your steps properly.

6. Why is Sweatcoin not working?

The Sweatcoin app may not be working for a number of reasons, but some of the most common issues include:

  1. You’re Not Walking Enough: The Sweatcoin app requires you to walk at least 5,000 steps each day in order to start earning coins. If you don’t meet this requirement, the app will not be able to generate any coins for you.
  • Your Phone isn’t Compatible: Sweatcoin is only compatible with certain smartphones. If your phone isn’t on the list of compatible devices, then the app won’t be able to track your steps and generate coins.
  • You’re Not in a Supported Country: Currently, Sweatcoin is only available in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France, Italy, and Australia. If you are not located in one of these countries, the app will not be able to generate coins for you.

7. What causes the sweating generation to stop?

Sweatcoin generation can stop for several reasons, including not walking enough, being in an unsupported country, having a phone that is not compatible with the app, or reaching your daily limit. It can also be caused by the app being down or a Google sign-in error.

8.  How can I fix it?

You can try restarting the app and/or your phone. You can also try updating your phone’s software and/or the app. If none of these work, you may need to contact Sweatcoin support.

9. What if my phone isn’t compatible with the app?

Unfortunately, Sweatcoin is only compatible with select phones. You can check the list of compatible devices on the Sweatcoin website.

10. Is there a way to bypass the daily limit?

 No. The daily limit is set in place to prevent users from earning too many coins in one day. If you try to bypass the limit, you may be banned from using the app.


Sweatcoin App Not Working, If you’re having trouble with the Sweatcoin app, there are a few things you can try to get it working again. Make sure that you’re walking enough to generate coins, that your phone is compatible, and that you’re in a supported country. Make sure that the app isn’t down and that you haven’t reached your daily limit. You may also need to troubleshoot issues related to Sweatcoin not counting steps, generation stopped, and sign-in errors. With some patience and effort, you should be able to get the Sweatcoin app running properly again.

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