Home Education How You can Convince Teachers to Accept late Work?

How You can Convince Teachers to Accept late Work?

Convince Teachers to Accept late Work

by Abeera Arshad
Convince Teachers to Accept late Work

How You can Convince Teachers to Accept late Work? Being a student is not easy. Student life is full of difficult tasks. These tasks mostly get the students in trouble. Students have to complete multiple tasks at one time. They have to complete the given projects and assignments within the given deadline for good grades. They have to perform well in quizzes, assignments, viva, presentations, etc. to maintain their grades.

But there could be a problem that how all these tasks could be completed within the given time. Some students complete their work on time but some of them couldn’t complete it and they have to make late submissions for various reasons like an emergency case, last-minute changes, and so on.

So, what could be done in this situation to maintain your grades? Any guesses?


No problem. You don’t need to worry about that.

Here is a quick guide that what you can do for your grades. Just stay with me and follow the steps for better ways but firstly, here are different ways to avoid late submissions:

Table of Contents

How can you avoid submitting late assignments?

  • Express regret and provide a detailed summary of what happened.
  • Accept the repercussions.
  • Assume accountability.
  • Describe what transpired.
  • Ensure that it won’t occur once again.
  • Express your regret for the circumstances.
  • Offer to assist in resolving the issue.

The above ways will be useful in avoiding late submission but still some students are unable to submit their works on time and this article is offering the best way for students to maintain their grades by convincing teachers to accept late work.

Students could request the teacher to accept the late work. Obtaining full credit is impossible, but they should make every attempt to persuade teacher and for that, this article is going to explore several ways to convince teachers to accept late work.

Ways to convince teacher to accept late work:

If you are really having problems and there is a valid cause for your late submission, talk to your professor; he might be able to appreciate your situation. You can emphasize to him the prior instances in which you performed well in his class. Additionally, you can also adopt these different ways to convince your teacher as mentioned below:

  • Make as few excuses as possible.
  • Accept self-responsibility.
  • Submit good quality work.
  • If points are deducted, don’t get annoyed about it.
  • Make a promise to the professor that this won’t happen again and then keep your word.

Other than that, you can also write a letter or email to convince your teacher to accept late work. Here is a model for you to convince your teacher for accepting late work by writing an email.

Letter of apology for late submission of requirements




[The director / management]

[Company’s name]


Dear [Sir / Madam]


Kindly receive my sincere apologies for being late in the submission of the requirements. I was not able to submit on [date] because I had an emergency at home. I realized this could have caused some inconvenience in [company’s name]. I know my tardiness has coasted a lot to your company. I had already worked on the requirements list as discussed on [date] through the [email/ phone].

I am so regretful about what happened. That shall never happen again in the future. Kindly accept my list of requirements attached with this letter. You may proceed to execute the same. Feel free to contact me through my [email/phone].

Your sincere client,


[Full Name]

Think of a backup plan:

If you are a student and you forgot to complete your assignment on time, you can convince your teacher to accept late work. If you have convinced your teacher and you still can’t complete your work in a limited time, then you could take our help.

Our website is one of the top-ranking websites and can provide you with the best-written projects and assignments. We provide you with our best services to reduce your stress and provide you with more free time.

You can ask for our support and receive help with your essay, lab report, or any other form of a project if you don’t want to be that student who forgets an assignment deadline.

Late is better than never:

It is better to submit late work than to get a zero. Therefore, it is recommended that you should submit your late work than nothing. For that, the greatest thing you can do is make an attempt to do your homework and convince your teacher to accept late work, even if it may be late.

If many students submitted their work beyond the due date, they could still have received partial credit. However, they hesitated at doing so since they believed their work wouldn’t be approved.

Always complete your responsibilities, there is nothing to worry about. If you reach your teacher with completed work, he or she might give you a chance and you won’t receive a zero.


For a student, missing a deadline is undoubtedly problematic. Nobody wants to be given no credit for a task they successfully completed but had to submit late. However, deadlines are established for a reason—they help you become more accountable and focused. If you discover that you won’t be able to do your next task in time, don’t give up.

Maintain a respectful and upbeat attitude and try to convince your teacher to accept late work and perhaps your teacher will give you a longer deadline. In any case, you shouldn’t ever feel helpless due to missed deadlines because you probably won’t even remember them in a few years.

Hence, maintain a positive attitude and keep track of your deadlines to avoid running behind schedule in the future.

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