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How to Get A Scholarship to Study Abroad In High School?

by Abeera Arshad
How to Get A Scholarship to Study Abroad In High School?

How to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school? There are other scholarships out there for teenagers to use for different types of education like advancing in the arts, learning a new language, and yes, even going abroad to study. Without a doubt, one of the coolest things a teenager can do is study abroad while still in high school. Participating in this kind of adventure speaks wonders about the student, and we all know that the younger you are, the more impressive and meaningful it is.

It could be taking your studies outside the classroom (and more importantly, your comfort zone) or physically living in a foreign country where you probably don’t speak the local language fluently. Consider asking for a scholarship before letting “I can’t afford it” become yet another justification if you’re a high school student who wants to study abroad but is concerned about money. Let’s see How to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school?

Different ways of How to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school?

Here are some different ways of how to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school:

Check with your program provider to see if they offer scholarships first

Before applying, ask the program provider if they provide scholarships. For instance, in certain programs/countries, CIEE and Youth for Understanding provide full and partial scholarships to their students. The best location to start your scholarship quest is typically here. 

Read the small print carefully

While some scholarships can only be applied to tuition costs and cannot be combined with other awards, others can only be used for one-time expenses (like room and board).

Others are still specialized to a country or field of study, so you would be ineligible if you were studying in Mexico but not Japan. Verify that your program can benefit from the scholarship before accepting it.

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How to Get a Scholarship to Study Abroad in 2023?

Apply to as many scholarships as you can!

Your chances of winning increase as you submit more applications. Simple logic, right?

Highlight your passions

The easiest way to receive one of these grants is to visit the website, read about the requirements of the particular award you’re wanting, and then apply depending on what they’re searching for, even if each program has various needs of applicants.

The best way to stand out is to highlight any prior travel, emphasize your enthusiasm for global education, customize each application to the grant (if it is volunteer-specific, explain why you are enthusiastic about global volunteering), and cast a wide net by applying to all of the grants you are eligible for.

Best scholarships for high school students to study abroad:

How to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school? Here are a few scholarships for high school students to study abroad. These scholarships are provided by a number of different businesses and organizations that work to promote early exposure to the world. Hence, here they are:

Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship

The Rotary Youth Exchange Scholarship is accessible to students who want to pursue their studies abroad in another nation.

This scholarship pays for tuition, lodging and board, books, travel costs, pocket money, and any other essential expenses a student may incur while enrolled in school or undergoing training.

The Gates Cambridge Scholarship

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation offers this study abroad program to high school students who aspire to attend the University of Cambridge in England, United Kingdom.

During your time as an awardee, this scholarship will pay for all of your tuition, travel costs, and personal expenses like health care and pocket money. Only students who desire to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any topic are eligible for this award.

Reach Cambridge University Scholarship

For those who desire to attend the University of Cambridge in the UK, this scholarship is available. This scholarship covers the entire tuition for students from low-income families who would otherwise be unable to finance their education.

The University of Cambridge trust launched the Reach Program with the intention of expanding student access to the university’s top-notch instruction. This scholarship might be for you if you wish to study at the University of Cambridge in the UK and are between the ages of 14 and 18.

American Foreign Service Association Scholarship

The American Foreign Service Association is offering this scholarship to deserving candidates who desire to study international relations, foreign affairs, or a related field. Full tuition and up to $18,000 in annual living expenses are both covered by this grant.

In Washington, DC, you will also get the opportunity to meet the US Secretary of State! You will be able to demonstrate what you have learned about US foreign policy by taking part in the National High School Essay Contest.

DC College Access Program Scholarship

The District of Columbia government provides high school students who desire to attend college in the US with the DC College Access Program.

For four years of study at any accredited institution of your choice, you will receive a $10,000 scholarship. This grant will be applied to your first year of fees and is accessible to students without access to other sources of funding.

The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program

The US State Department offers this student exchange program to high school students in the US. The scholarship covers your entire tuition, a monthly stipend, and all of your travel costs, including tickets to and from Germany.

For one academic year, you will be studying in Germany. By giving young people from both countries opportunities, the program seeks to improve mutual understanding between the US and Germany.


As we have discussed some of the study abroad scholarships that high school students can apply for, I hope you have now understood How to get a scholarship to study abroad in high school? These scholarships will help the students finance their education and living expenses, wherever they want to study in the world.

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