Home How To Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

by Abeera Arshad
Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here's How to Fix It

Are you having trouble with Facebook tagging not working properly? If so, you’re not alone. Many Facebook users have reported difficulty tagging their friends and family in posts, comments, and photos. Fortunately, there are a few simple steps that you can take to get the tagging feature working properly again. In this blog post, we’ll provide a few tips and tricks on how to fix the Facebook tagging issue. Read on to learn more!

Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It

Check your privacy settings

If Facebook tagging isn’t working, the first thing you should do is check your privacy settings. Facebook gives you control over who can see your posts, photos, and other content. Make sure that your profile, as well as the photo you are trying to tag someone in, are both set to public or friends.

  • This will ensure that anyone can view and interact with your content.
  • To check your privacy settings, open up the Facebook app on your device and click on the ‘Menu’ icon at the top right-hand corner of the screen. Scroll down and select ‘Privacy Shortcuts’. This will show you a list of all your current privacy settings. Scroll through them to make sure that all the relevant settings are set to either ‘Public’ or ‘Friends’.
  • If you have changed any of these settings recently and you would like to revert them back, you can do so by selecting the ‘Edit’ option next to each setting. Here you can choose which audience you want to be able to see your content.
  • By checking and adjusting your privacy settings, you can ensure that you can tag anyone you want without any issues.

Check the photo’s privacy settings

Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It. If you’re having trouble tagging someone in a photo on Facebook, it’s important to check the photo’s privacy settings. If the photo is set to a privacy setting that doesn’t allow for tagging, then you won’t be able to tag anyone.

To check the photo’s privacy settings, click the photo and then select the “Options” tab at the bottom right of the photo.

From there, you can view and edit the privacy settings for the photo. If you are still unable to tag someone, you may want to try changing the privacy setting to “Public” or “Friends”. This should allow you to successfully tag someone in the photo.

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Try tagging a different way

If your regular tagging method isn’t working, you may want to try a different method. On Facebook, there are two main ways to tag someone: by using the @ symbol, or by using the Tag option.

  • To tag someone with the @ symbol, start typing their name in the post and select their name from the drop-down list that appears. If you’re having trouble with this method, you can also search for the person’s profile and copy their Facebook URL into the post.
  • Once you’ve done this, Facebook should recognize the person’s name and link it to their profile.
  • The second method of tagging on Facebook is by using the Tag option. This is usually found in the top right corner of the post window. Clicking on it will bring up a list of people you’ve recently interacted with. You can type in a name or select someone from this list to tag them in your post.
  • If these methods don’t work, you can also try using the comment section to tag someone. When you write a comment, type an @ sign followed by the person’s name. This should link to their profile, and they should receive a notification of your comment.
  • Tagging someone in a post or comment is an easy way to get their attention, so if your tagging isn’t working, try one of these alternative methods. Hopefully one of them will help you solve the issue!

Check if you’re being blocked

If you’re still having trouble with tagging people in posts and photos on Facebook, you may be blocked from doing so. To check if this is the case, click on the dropdown arrow at the top right of your Facebook page and select Settings & Privacy. From there, choose Settings and click Blocking. This will show a list of people you have blocked, as well as any blocks that have been put in place by someone else.

  • If you see the person you are trying to tag in the list, click Unblock next to their name and then try to tag them again. If you don’t see their name in the list, it’s possible that someone else has blocked you from tagging them. In this case, you should contact the person to ask if they can unblock you so that you can tag them.
  • If you believe someone is blocking you from tagging them maliciously or for any other reason, you can report them to Facebook. Just navigate to the post or photo in question, select the options menu (represented by three dots) and choose Report/Mark as Spam. Facebook will review your report and take appropriate action if necessary.

Report the problem to Facebook

If you’ve checked all the settings and tried different ways to tag someone on Facebook, but it’s still not working, then it’s time to report the problem to Facebook. To do this, go to the Help Center on your Facebook account and click on “Report a Problem.”

  • On the Report a Problem page, select the relevant category and provide more information in the description field. You can also add screenshots of what’s happening. When you’re done, hit “Send” to submit your report.
  • Facebook will look into the issue and get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, try tagging someone else, or post without tagging until the issue is resolved.


Facebook Tagging Not Working? Here’s How to Fix It, Facebook tagging can be a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it doesn’t always work. If you’re having trouble with tagging, there are several steps you can take to try to fix the problem. Check your privacy settings, check the photo’s privacy settings, try tagging a different way, check if you’re being blocked, and report the problem to Facebook. If you still have issues, then you should reach out to Facebook directly for assistance. With a few simple steps, you should be able to get your tagging working again.

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