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Describe Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan?

by Abeera Arshad
Describe Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan?

Describe Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan? Psychoanalysis is the discipline of research that aims to identify the subconscious drives that underlie behavior in people. This theory was first found by Sigmund Freud but later on, a French philosopher and psychoanalyst, Jacques Lacan, brought some new innovations to this work.

According to him, language and communication are effective tools for examining how the unconscious mind influences a person’s thoughts and behaviors and how fundamental it is to our understanding of the world and ourselves.

Describe Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan?

Lacan’s theory builds on the work of Sigmund Freud, but he offers a different interpretation of the role of language in the formation of the self. Thus, we’ll look at Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory that how it is different from the previous works.

He argued that the human psyche is organized into three basic registers: the imaginary, the symbolic, and the real. One of the key concepts in Lacanian theory is the idea of the “real/mirror stage.” This is the period in a child’s development when they first become aware of their own body and can recognize themselves in a mirror. Lacan argued that this experience is crucial in the formation of the self, as it allows the child to begin to understand themselves as separate from the world around them.

Lacan, however, argues that this division is really an illusion. He believed that social, cultural, and linguistic forces constantly impact and shape the self so that it can never be totally separated from the outside world. In other words, language and the culture in which we live always serve as a medium through which we interpret ourselves.

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Moment of Self-recognition in Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan

According to Lacan, this moment of self-recognition is crucial for the development of the human psyche. It is at this point that the child begins to identify with an idealized image of itself, which Lacan calls the “ego ideal.”

This idealized self-image is based on a sense of completeness and unity that is not actually present in the real world. As the child grows older, it continues to strive towards this idealized self-image, even though it is always out of reach.

Lacan also introduced the concept of the “phallus” as a symbolic representation of the father and the symbolic order more generally.

The phallus is not simply a biological organ, but a signifier that represents power, authority, and cultural norms. Lacan argued that the phallus functions as a kind of master signifier, around which our desires and fantasies are organized.

Lacan often used the Oedipus complex as an example to make his point. The Oedipus complex, according to Freud, is a universal stage in a child’s development when they start to feel attracted to their parent who is of the opposite sex.

Lacan countered that this notion is not universal but is instead influenced by linguistic and cultural elements. For instance, the Oedipus complex might not develop in the same manner in different cultures where the mother is not the primary caretaker.

Language Has a Powerful Influence in Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan

Lacan also believed that language has a powerful influence on our unconscious desires and fears. He argued that the unconscious is not simply a repository of repressed memories and desires, but is instead a complex system of symbols and signifiers. These symbols are shaped by our social and cultural context and can have a profound impact on our emotions and behaviors.

Lacan created a number of therapeutic methods to help patients investigate their unconscious fears and wants in order to further explore these concepts.

Free association is one of the most crucial of these methods, which encourages the patient to speak freely and unrestrictedly about whatever comes to mind.

With the use of this technique, the patient will be able to examine their unconscious desires and thoughts and gain a better understanding of how language and society have influenced how they perceive themselves and the world.

Describe Big Other in Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan?

The idea of the “big Other” is another crucial component of Lacanian theory. This refers to the social and cultural institutions that mold how we view the outside world and ourselves. Lacan argues that the vast Other is a strong force that profoundly impacts our desires and fears, not just a neutral force that exists outside of us.

In order to explore the role of the big Other, Lacan developed the concept of the “object petit a.” This refers to the object of desire that we are constantly seeking but can never truly attain. This object is shaped by our social and cultural context and is often linked to our deepest fears and desires.

Lacanian theory is not without its critics, it remains a powerful and influential approach to psychoanalysis. Its emphasis on language and culture has been particularly influential in fields such as literary theory and cultural studies etc.

But this theory provides a powerful critique of traditional psychoanalytic theory, which is frequently viewed as being too preoccupied with the dynamics of the unconscious and individual psychology. Lacan argues that rather, language and culture always impact how we perceive ourselves and the world and that they are fundamental to our psychological growth.


As we have discusses the most important topicDescribe Psychoanalytic Theory By Jacques Lacan? It is compulsory for all psychology students or those who eager to know the different theorists of the social psychology. If you still have any question then can ask in comment section!

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