Home Education My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words

My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words

by Abeera Arshad
My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words

My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words, My first day at university was associated with a wide variety of feelings, including nervousness and excitement. Even though I had lived away from home for a while, I still made a point of seeing my parents around the holidays.

The realization that I would be living away from home hit me like a tonne of bricks, and I was simultaneously terrified and excited to live independently while attending school. 

All of my high school worries returned as soon as I set foot on the campus of my college. It was already scorching outside around nine in the morning. On either side of a long, winding route that sliced through dense grass, the trees were arrayed like soldiers.

It appeared that everyone on campus had somewhere to be except for me as the leaves fluttered and danced as if they were in a hurry to reach somewhere significant.

I began to consider how much more responsibility being a college student would entail for me as I made my way deeper into campus because, for the first time in my life, there would be no one else to blame if something went wrong.

Thinking about this, I suddenly made the decision to look for my dorm. I felt like everyone was looking at me as I walked across campus in search of my dorm, and I could see the reddening of my face. Everyone around me looked exactly like me, but more self-assured, as I walked along a different hallway with people passing by.

I didn’t even sure which building to enter to find my accommodation; it appeared like everyone else knew where they were going except me. I eventually found it after going through a few different buildings!

I entered after noticing two strangers conversing on their mattresses since the number on my door matched the one on my paper.

When they saw me walk in, they stopped talking and gave me an odd look. One of them inquired about my questions and then informed me that she would shortly be going because she had class. When everyone finally left the class, I was left alone, so I made the decision to go.

My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words From Day 1

1st day at university:

On my first day at university, I spoke with a number of new people. Most of them were friendly and supportive. I appreciated the chance to learn more about what they do at work, their friends, etc. during lunch with them. I was excited to soon meet more folks and make friends here!

My First Day at university PDF:

My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words usually started with a memorable introduction. I have never really been interested in going to university or even going to college, as far back as I can remember.

  • I never ever considered going to university for a long time, much less choosing to stay for four years without any intention of completing any other kind of education or training.
  • Having said that, nothing compares to your first day at university, and you’ll probably never experience as many feelings and thoughts in your life in such a brief amount of time.
  • But when it comes down to it, I can honestly say that my first day was one of the best days I have ever had.

Fresher week:

Freshman week and the beginning of independence are two terms used to describe the first day of university. After two years in college, most students don’t feel like freshmen anymore.

However, if you entered as a freshman, you might claim to have just been a newcomer for a year. And this is why: As soon as I set foot on that university campus, my life underwent a significant change.

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All around me seemed new and strange to me, with the exception of my roommate from the previous semester.

University memories:

My first day at university seems like it was yesterday in my memory, but time has flown by so quickly. I’ve changed so much as a person now that I am an upper-class man and have lived in dorms for four years, among other experiences, that it almost seems impossible for me to be the person looking back on all of these experiences.

With a gasp, I awoke. For a brief period, I had no idea where I was; after that, my memories suddenly came back to me. Ah, sure. It ended here! I was prepared to start classes that morning after waking up in my dorm room.


My First Day At University Essay 1000 Words was wonderful. I just want to say that university is a phase where you can make your career and find several new opportunities. Therefore, university life is best and it will remain in your memory the most.

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