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How Many Months are Required for CSS Preparation?

by Abeera Arshad
How Many Months are Required for CSS Preparation?

How many months are required for CSS preparation? CSS stands for ‘The Central Superior Services ‘  which is a fixed elite civil service body that is in charge of overseeing the bureaucratic operations as well as government secretariats and directorates of Pakistan’s Cabinet. The Prime Minister is the final authority on all issues pertaining to the civil service. Considering the post, it is not easy to pass the CSS exam. So the question comes in mind that how many months are required for CSS preparation?

You’ve probably listened from your fellow students say that passing the CSS exam requires at least 6 months of preparation. But some students say that only 3 months are required for CSS preparation. There are some factors that must be consider before starting preparation for CSS exam.

CSS exam requires a criteria that must be fulfill to sit in CSS exam. Candidate must be a citizen of Pakistan and having degree of bachelor from the HEC recognized university. Age of the candidate between ‘21 to 30’ who is applying for CSS exam. And the most crucial is that how many months have been left in the examination? You can make your study plan by considering these criteria.

If  you have less time than you can prepare within 3 or 6 months. If your subjects are diverse from your previous subjects then you must need a minimum time of 6 months to prepare the CSS exam. Study plan are required to prepare the CSS exam in a short time duration.

Some Key Aspects To Consider When Preparing For CSS In 6 Or 3 Months

There are some key aspects to consider when preparing for CSS in 6 or 3 months. We hope that if you act firmly on these factors, you will be able to break it.

Collect essential materials:

To begin, gather all of the necessary notes and books relevant to your subjects. Talk to your teachers about the authentic and important books and additional notes that are helpful in passing the CSS exam.

Choose Your Study Hours:

One of the key components is choosing the right time to study. Job holders frequently work from 9 to 5, which limits their ability to study until after 5 o’clock or early in the morning. To create your initial preparation approach, you need first decide when you will study. Rest for a while, then begin to prepare with breaks.

On the other hand, if you have the entire day to yourself and are free, you can choose the finest four to six hours out of the day—or even more—to study for your exam. Very wisely schedule your time so that no routine task is compromised. Keep in mind that how many months are required for CSS presentation which will help you to make an efficient time table for studies.

Prefer your own notes:

One of the mistakes some applicants make during general preparation is reading other people’s notes. You can use others notes for better understanding and for gaining knowledge and then you can make your own notes that help you to pass the CSS exam in required time duration. So, never use someone else’s notes; instead, make your own CSS notes. Making your own notes has a lot of advantages. Making links between ideas and page layout when taking notes will support in later memorization. Of course, associations help people remember things more clearly.

Pay attention to the compulsory subject first:

Choosing to prepare Compulsory subjects as soon as possible is a sensible decision. You will have plenty of time to figure out an optional subjects while preparing for the required subjects. Keep in mind that you must prepare for current affairs in the last while studying the Compulsory courses.

Because current circumstances are constantly updated, it is important to be prepared. So it would be a gentle move to prepare it in the end. Once the mandatory courses are finished, you should start preparing the optional subjects in accordance with your plan. To evaluate your level of preparation, keep a record of all optional courses.

Use past papers of CSS Exam:

The efficient way to take your own exam before going to real exam that will help you to know your abilities and weaknesses. Use past exam papers to test yourself. It is one of the most effective resources for presenting you with the most recent exam preparation results and for clarifying your thoughts by pointing out your errors on a regular basis.

If you plan wisely and consider all the important points that are mention above than you are able to know that how many month are required for you to prepare for CSS exam.

From where to start CSS preparation

Download FPSC CSS schedule

Priorities straight, download and print all the CSS assessment schedule. This prospectus gives a profound and nitty gritty comprehension of the CSS assessment readiness. Download it and go through it completely, as this is the urgent move toward the CSS test arrangement since you should pick the mandatory and discretionary subjects you are wanting to take.

Understudies can’t simply pick any subject except if they know for the interest of the subjects; the prospectus is the main dependable source which will completely cause you to comprehend what CSS is.

Begin planning for obligatory subjects

The following significant stage while planning for CSS assessment is to begin with obligatory subjects. Keep in mind, don’t go pick the discretionary subjects until you are finished with the necessary subjects. Numerous understudies commit this error. One can begin with English Language; without that, your planning will simply be an exercise in futility. Maintain your attention on English Language structure and begin learning and concentrating on through Punctuation books. English article planning ought to be done almost toward the finish of your CSS assessment readiness.

Pick discretionary subjects shrewdly

Indeed, this is one more significant variable while preparing to for CSS online readiness. A few understudies have become the best at a specific subject, it is energetically suggested that they pick just those subjects that they have a legitimate grasp on. High and low-scoring subjects are basically fantasies. There are two classifications of subjects’ choice in discretionary subjects class.

In the primary class, a few understudies are new to this multitude of subjects or have just little data about the subjects. These understudies need to pick just those subjects that cross-over with CSS Mandatory or some other discretionary subjects.

Besides, understudies ought to likewise monitor their time, as using time effectively additionally assumes an indispensable part while getting ready for CSS assessments at home. Covering subjects will save time and won’t put any additional weight on the understudies.

Download past papers

Whenever you have picked the discretionary subjects, the following significant step is to download every one of the past papers. Each understudy who is hoping to get ready for CSS assessments at home, should download every one of the past papers and approach them.

Past papers assist with concentrating on better and give a more profound comprehension of how a subject will show up in the CSS tests. By addressing the previous papers, it will likewise help in dealing with your time all the more productively and set up your ideal subjects cleverly.

Books for CSS readiness

Perusing additional books helps a ton particularly for those showing up in the CSS assessments. While FPSC suggests many books that remain forever inseparable with the subjects, there are as yet numerous different books that wannabes ought to peruse to assist with expanding their insight.

A portion of these books incorporate, Secondary School Language structure by Wren and Martin, Pakistan: Past the ‘Emergency State’, Overseeing the Uncooperative, Protected and Political History of Pakistan, and Why Countries Fizzle? This is the rundown of top books that everybody showing up for the CSS tests should peruse while planning at home etc.

Admittance to an extraordinary stable web association

While planning for the CSS assessment, one priority a decent steady web association as it helps in concentrating on substantially more proficiently. Web will help in numerous ways, particularly while needing to remove data about a specific exploration or study papers accessible on the web, it will be the speediest method for approaching every last bit of it and will save time.

Besides, having a quick steady web association gives an excessive number of online stages to step through exams, and search on any theme without burning through your valuable time. In this way, approaching a steady web association is an or more point.

Peruse paper day to day

To launch your CSS planning at home, you should foster a propensity for perusing papers routinely regardless of whether you like it; it is basically impossible to get away from it. Center around perusing an English paper, more specifically, begin by perusing The Tribune, The Everyday Times, First light, or you could go for worldwide papers like BBC or The Watchman.

Perusing papers routinely will upgrade your insight into Pakistan’s ongoing issues as well as the ongoing undertakings across the world, this would be productive for CSS tests. It can likewise assist with creating perfect, rich English jargon and solid Syntax abilities that will help you in your CSS tests.

CSS study plan for 6 months

Follow the given data;

CSS Preparation Schedule of 6 Months

Date & DaySyllabus
June 1, MonPakistan Affairs: First Topic Optional Subject I: First Topic English: Translation Exercises 1-4, Twenty Idioms
June 2, TuePakistan Affairs: Second Topic Optional Subject I: Second Topic English: Translation Exercises 5-8, Twenty Idioms
June 3,WedPakistan Affairs: Third Topic Optional Subject I: Third Topic English: Translation Exercises 9-12, Twenty Idioms
June 4, ThuPakistan Affairs: Fourth Topic Optional Subject I: Fourth Topic English: Translation Exercises 13-16, Twenty Idioms
June 5, FriPakistan Affairs: Fifth Topic Optional Subject I: Fifth Topic English: Translation Exercises 17-20, Twenty Idioms
June 6, SatPakistan Affairs: Sixth Topic Optional Subject I: Sixth Topic English: Translation Exercises 21-24, Twenty Idioms
June 7, SunRevision Day
June 8, MonCurrent Affairs: First Topic Optional Subject II: First Topic English: Translation Exercises 25-28, Twenty Idioms
June 9, TueCurrent Affairs: Second Topic Optional Subject II: Second Topic English: Translation Exercises 29-32, Twenty Idioms  
June 10, WedCurrent Affairs: Third Topic Optional Subject II: Third Topic English: Translation Exercises 33-36, Twenty Idioms
June 11, ThuCurrent Affairs: Fourth Topic Optional Subject II: Fourth Topic English: Translation Exercises 37-40, Twenty Idioms
June 12, FriCurrent Affairs: Fifth Topic Optional Subject II: Fifth Topic English: Translation Exercises 41-44, Twenty Idioms
June 13, SatCurrent Affairs: Sixth Topic Optional Subject II: Sixth Topic English: Translation Exercises 45-48, Twenty Idioms
June 14, SunRevision Day
June 15, MonGeneral Science & Ability: First Topic Optional Subject III: First Topic English: Translation Exercises 49-52, 20 Synonyms
June 16, TueGeneral Science & Ability: Second Topic Optional Subject III: Second Topic English: Translation Exercises 53-56, 20 Synonyms
June 17, WedGeneral Science & Ability: Third Topic Optional Subject III: Third Topic English: Translation Exercises 57-60, 20 Synonyms
June 18, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: Fourth Topic Optional Subject III: Fourth Topic English: Translation Exercises 61-64, 20 Synonyms
June 19, FriGeneral Science & Ability: Fifth Topic Optional Subject III: Fifth Topic English: Translation Exercises 65-68, 20 Synonyms
June 20, SatGeneral Science & Ability: Sixth Topic Optional Subject III: Sixth Topic English: Translation Exercises 69-72, 20 Synonyms
June 21, SunRevision Day
June 22, MonIslamiyat: First Topic Optional Subject IV: First Topic English: Translation Exercises 73-76, Twenty Synonyms 
June 23, TueIslamiyat: Second Topic Optional Subject IV: Second Topic English: Translation Exercises 77-80, Twenty Synonyms 
June 24, WedIslamiyat: Third Topic Optional Subject IV: Third Topic English: Translation Exercises 81-84, Twenty Synonyms 
June 25, ThuIslamiyat: Fourth Topic Optional Subject IV: Fourth Topic English: Translation Exercises 85-88, Twenty Synonyms 
June 26, FriIslamiyat: Fifth Topic Optional Subject IV: Fifth Topic English: Translation Exercises 89-92, Twenty Synonyms 
June 27, SatIslamiyat: Sixth Topic Optional Subject IV: Sixth Topic English: Translation Exercises 93-96, Twenty Synonyms 
June 28, SunRevision Day
June 29, MonPakistan Affairs: 7th Topic Optional Subject I: 7th Topic English: Translation Exercises 97-100, Twenty Idioms
June 30, TuePakistan Affairs: 8th Topic Optional Subject I: 8th Topic English: Translation Exercises 101-104, Twenty Idioms
July 1, WedPakistan Affairs: 9th Topic Optional Subject I: 9th Topic English: Translation Exercises 105-108, Twenty Idioms
July 2, ThuPakistan Affairs: 10th Topic Optional Subject I: 10th Topic English: Translation Exercises 109-112, Twenty Idioms
July 3, FriPakistan Affairs: 11th Topic Optional Subject I: 11th Topic English: Translation Exercises 113-116, Twenty Idioms
July 4, SatPakistan Affairs: 12th Topic Optional Subject I: 12th Topic English: Translation Exercises 117-120, Twenty Idioms
July 5, SunRevision Day
July 6, MonCurrent Affairs: 7th Topic Optional Subject II: 7th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 7, TueCurrent Affairs: 8th Topic Optional Subject II: 8th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 8, WedCurrent Affairs: 9th Topic Optional Subject II: 9th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 9, ThuCurrent Affairs: 10th Topic Optional Subject II: 10th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 10, FriCurrent Affairs: 11th Topic Optional Subject II: 11th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 11, SatCurrent Affairs: 12th Topic Optional Subject II: 12th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, Twenty Idioms
July 12, SunRevision Day
July 13, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 7th Topic Optional Subject III: 7th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, 20 Synonyms
July 14, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 8th Topic Optional Subject III: 8th Topic English: Ten Correction Rules, 20 Synonyms
July 15, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 9th Topic Optional Subject III: 9th Topic English: Ten Prepositional Uses, 20 Synonyms
July 16, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 10th Topic Optional Subject III: 10th Topic English: Te Prepositional Uses, 20 Synonyms
July 17, FriGeneral Science & Ability: 11th Topic Optional Subject III: 11th Topic English: Ten Prepositional Uses, 20 Synonyms
July 18, SatGeneral Science & Ability: 12th Topic Optional Subject III: 12th Topic English: Ten Prepositional Uses, 20 Synonyms
July 19, SunRevision Day
July 20, MonIslamiyat: 7th Topic Optional Subject IV: 7th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 21, TueIslamiyat: 8th Topic Optional Subject IV: 8th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 22, WedIslamiyat: 9th Topic Optional Subject IV: 9th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 23, ThuIslamiyat: 10th Topic Optional Subject IV: 10th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 24, FriIslamiyat: 11th Topic Optional Subject IV: 11th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 25, SatIslamiyat: 12th Topic Optional Subject IV: 12th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises, Twenty Synonyms 
July 26, SunRevision Day
July 27, MonFree Day
July 28, TueFree Day
July 29, WedFree Day
July 30, ThuTest Day: Test of Pakistan Affairs and Optional Subject I
July 31, FriTest Day: Test of Current Affairs and Optional Subject II
Aug 1, SatTest Day: Test of General Science & Ability and Optional Subject III
Aug 2, SunTest Day: Test of Islamiyat Compulsory and Optional Subject IV
Aug 3, MonTest Day: Test of English
Aug 4, TueEid Holiday
Aug 5, WedEid Holiday
Aug 6, ThuEid Holiday
Aug 7, FriEid Holiday
Aug 8, SatFree Day
Aug 9, SunFree Day
Aug 10, MonPakistan Affairs: 13th Topic Optional Subject I: 13th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 11, TuePakistan Affairs: 14th Topic Optional Subject I: 14th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 12, WedPakistan Affairs: 15th Topic Optional Subject I: 15th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 13, ThuPakistan Affairs: 16th Topic Optional Subject I: 16th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 14, FriPakistan Affairs: 17th Topic Optional Subject I: 17th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 15, SatPakistan Affairs: 18th Topic Optional Subject I: 18th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 16, SunRevision Day
Aug 17, MonCurrent Affairs: 13th Topic Optional Subject II: 13th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 18, TueCurrent Affairs: 14th Topic Optional Subject II: 14th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 19, WedCurrent Affairs: 15th Topic Optional Subject II: 15th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 20, ThuCurrent Affairs: 16th Topic Optional Subject II: 16th Topic English: Comprehension Practice, Twenty Idioms
Aug 21, FriFree Day
Aug 22, SatFree Day
Aug 23, SunRevision Day
Aug 24, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 13th Topic Optional Subject III: 13th Topic English: Precise Practice, 20 Synonyms
Aug25, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 14th Topic Optional Subject III: 14th Topic English: Precise Practice, 20 Synonyms
Aug 26, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 15th Topic Optional Subject III: 15th Topic English: Precise Practice, 20 Synonyms
Aug 27, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 16th Topic Optional Subject III: 16th Topic English: Precise Practice, 20 Synonyms
Aug 28, FriFree Day
Aug 29, SatFree Day
Aug 30, SunRevision Day
Aug 31, MonIslamiyat: 13th Topic Optional Subject IV: 13th Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms  
Sep 1, TueIslamiyat: 14th Topic Optional Subject IV: 14th Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms
Sep 2, WedIslamiyat: 15th Topic Optional Subject IV: 15th Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms
Sep 3, ThuFree Day
Sep 4, FriFree Day
Sep 5, SatFree Day
Sep 6, SunRevision Day
Sep 7, MonPakistan Affairs: 19th Topic Optional Subject I: 19th Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms
Sep 8, TuePakistan Affairs: 20th Topic Optional Subject I: 20th Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms
Sep 9, WedPakistan Affairs: 21st Topic Optional Subject I: 21st Topic English: Precise Practice, Practice Idioms
Sep 10, ThuPakistan Affairs: 22nd Topic Optional Subject I: 22nd Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 11, FriPakistan Affairs: 23rd Topic Optional Subject I: 23rd Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 12, SatPakistan Affairs: 24th Topic Optional Subject I: 24th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 13, SunRevision Day
Sep 14, MonCurrent Affairs: 17th Topic Optional Subject II: 17th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 15, TueCurrent Affairs: 18th Topic Optional Subject II: 18th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 16, WedCurrent Affairs: 19th Topic Optional Subject II: 19th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 17, ThuCurrent Affairs: 20th Topic Optional Subject II: 20th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 18, FriFree Day
Sep 19, SatFree Day
Sep 20, SunRevision Day
Sep 21, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 17th Topic Optional Subject III: 17th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 22, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 18th Topic Optional Subject III: 18th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 23, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 19th Topic Optional Subject III: 19th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 24, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 20th Topic Optional Subject III: 20th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Prepositional Exercises
Sep 25, FriFree Day
Sep 26, SatFree Day
Sep 27, SunRevision Day
Sep 28, MonIslamiyat: 16th Topic Optional Subject IV: 16th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences  
Sep 29, TueIslamiyat: 17th Topic Optional Subject IV: 17th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Sep 30, WedIslamiyat: 18th Topic Optional Subject IV: 18th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 1, ThuFree Day
Oct 2, FriFree Day
Oct 3, SatFree Day
Oct 4, SunFree Day
Oct 5, MonFree Day
Oct 6, TueFree Day
Oct 7, WedTest Day: Test of Pakistan Affairs and Optional Subject I
Oct 8, ThuTest Day: Test of Current Affairs and Optional Subject II
Oct 9, FriTest Day: Test of General Science & Ability and Optional Subject III
Oct 10, SatTest Day: Test of Islamiyat Compulsory and Optional Subject IV
Oct 11, SunTest Day: Test of English
Oct 12, MonPakistan Affairs: 25th Topic Optional Subject I: 25th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 13, TuePakistan Affairs: 26th Topic Optional Subject I: 26th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 14, WedPakistan Affairs: 27th Topic Optional Subject I: 27th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 15, ThuPakistan Affairs: 28th Topic Optional Subject I: 28th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 16, FriPakistan Affairs: 29th Topic Optional Subject I: 29th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 17, SatPakistan Affairs: 30th Topic Optional Subject I: 30th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Correction Sentences
Oct 18, SunRevision Day
Oct 19, MonCurrent Affairs: 21st Topic Optional Subject II: 21st Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words  
Oct 20, TueCurrent Affairs: 22nd Topic Optional Subject II: 22nd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 21, WedCurrent Affairs: 23rd Topic Optional Subject II: 23rd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 22, ThuCurrent Affairs: 24th Topic Optional Subject II: 24th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 23, FriFree Day
Oct 24, SatFree Day
Oct 25, SunRevision Day
Oct 26, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 21st Topic Optional Subject III: 21st Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 27, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 22nd Topic Optional Subject III: 22nd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 28, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 23rd Topic Optional Subject III: 23rd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 29, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 24th Topic Optional Subject III: 24th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Oct 30, FriFree Day
Oct 31, SatFree Day
Nov 1, SunRevision Day
Nov 2, MonIslamiyat: 19th Topic Optional Subject IV: 19th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words 
Nov 3, TueIslamiyat: 20th Topic Optional Subject IV: 20th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 4, WedIslamiyat: 21st Topic Optional Subject IV: 21st Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 5, ThuFree Day
Nov 6, FriFree Day
Nov 7, SatFree Day
Nov 8, SunFree Day
Nov 9, MonPakistan Affairs: 31st Topic Optional Subject I: 31st Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 10, TuePakistan Affairs: 32nd Topic Optional Subject I: 32nd Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 11, WedPakistan Affairs: 33rd Topic Optional Subject I: 33rd Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 12, ThuPakistan Affairs: 34th Topic Optional Subject I: 34th Topic English: Practice Translation Exercises and Twenty Pair of Words
Nov 13, FriFree Day
Nov 14, SatFree Day
Nov 15, SunRevision Day
Nov 16, MonCurrent Affairs: 25th Topic Optional Subject II: 25th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 17, TueCurrent Affairs: 26th Topic Optional Subject II: 26th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 18, WedCurrent Affairs: 27th Topic Optional Subject II: 27th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 19, ThuCurrent Affairs: 28th Topic Optional Subject II: 28th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 20, FriFree Day
Nov 21, SatFree Day
Nov 22, SunRevision Day
Nov 23, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 25th Topic Optional Subject III: 25th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 24, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 26th Topic Optional Subject III: 26th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 25, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 27th Topic Optional Subject III: 27th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 26, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 28th Topic Optional Subject III: 28th Topic English: Translation Exercises 49-52, 20 Synonyms
Nov 27, FriGeneral Science & Ability: 29th Topic Optional Subject III: 29th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 28,SatGeneral Science & Ability: 30th Topic Optional Subject III: 30th Topic English: Essay Writing and Revision of Synonyms
Nov 29, SunRevision Day
Nov 30, MonPakistan Affairs: 35th Topic Optional Subject I: 35th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 1, TuePakistan Affairs: 36th Topic Optional Subject I: 36th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 2, WedPakistan Affairs: 37th Topic Optional Subject I: 37th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 3, ThuPakistan Affairs: 38th Topic Optional Subject I: 38th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 4, FriFree Day
Dec 5, SatFree Day
Dec 6, SunFree Day
Dec 7, MonCurrent Affairs: 29th Topic Optional Subject II: 29th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 8, TueCurrent Affairs: 30th Topic Optional Subject II: 30th Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 9, WedCurrent Affairs: 31st Topic Optional Subject II: 31st Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 10, ThuCurrent Affairs: 32nd Topic Optional Subject II: 32nd Topic English: Practice of Precise and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 11, FriFree Day
Dec 12, SatFree Day
Dec 13, SunRevision Day
Dec 14, MonGeneral Science & Ability: 31st Topic Optional Subject III: 31st Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 15, TueGeneral Science & Ability: 32nd Topic Optional Subject III: 32nd Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 16, WedGeneral Science & Ability: 33rd Topic Optional Subject III: 33rd Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 17, ThuGeneral Science & Ability: 34th Topic Optional Subject III: 34th Topic English: Practice Comprehension and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 18, FriGeneral Science & Ability: 35th Topic Optional Subject III: 35th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Twenty Pair of Words
Dec 19, SatGeneral Science & Ability: 36th Topic Optional Subject III: 36th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 20, SunRevision Day
Dec 21, MonIslamiyat: 22nd Topic Optional Subject IV: 22nd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 22, TueIslamiyat: 23rd Topic Optional Subject IV: 23rd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 23, WedIslamiyat: 24th Topic Optional Subject IV: 24th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 24, ThuFree Day
Dec 25, FriFree Day
Dec 26, SatFree Day
Dec 27, SunFree Day
Dec 28, MonPakistan Affairs: 39th Topic Optional Subject I: 39th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 29, TuePakistan Affairs: 40th Topic Optional Subject I: 40th Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 30, WedPakistan Affairs: 41st Topic Optional Subject I: 41st Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words
Dec 31, ThuPakistan Affairs: 42nd Topic Optional Subject I: 42nd Topic English: Practice Essay Writing and Revise Pair of Words

Syllabus Defined by FPSC for Compulsory Subjects

1. Pakistan Affairs

NumberingName of the Topic
1st TopicSheikh Ahmad Sirhindi Mujadad Alf Sani
2nd TopicShah Waliullah
3rd TopicSyed Ahmad Shaheed
4th TopicSir Syed Ahmad Khan (Political and Religious Services)
5th TopicSir Syed Ahmad Khan (Social and Education Services)
6th TopicDeoband and Nadwatul Ulama
7th TopicBasic Principles of Ideology of Pakistan
8th TopicQuid e Azam and Ideology of Pakistan
9th TopicFactors that caused the formation of Pakistan (Discrimination of Muslims after of War of Independence, Urdu Hindi Conflict 1867, Bengal Partition, 1937 congress ministries, 1946 Interim Govt. , Jaliawala Bagh Massacre etc.)
10th TopicFactors that caused the formation of Pakistan (Discrimination of Muslims after of War of Independence, Urdu Hindi Conflict 1867, Bengal Partition, 1937 congress ministries, 1946 Interim Govt. , Jaliawala Bagh Massacre etc.)
11th TopicFactors that caused the formation of Pakistan (Discrimination of Muslims after of War of Independence, Urdu Hindi Conflict 1867, Bengal Partition, 1937 congress ministries, 1946 Interim Govt. , Jaliawala Bagh Massacre etc.)
12th TopicAllama Iqbal and Ideology of Pakistan
13th TopicGeostrategic Location of Pakistan and Pakistan’s role in the Region
14th TopicNatural Resources of Pakistan
15th TopicHealth Problem in Pakistan
16th TopicEducation System of Pakistan
17th TopicEconomic Crisis of Pakistan
18th TopicSecurity Challenges to Pakistan
19th TopicCivil-Military Relations in Pakistan—Ups and Downs and Recent Scenario
20th TopicNuclear program of Pakistan, its security and safety; international concerns
21st TopicThe War in Afghanistan since 1979 its impacts on Pakistan.
22nd TopicAfghan Peace Process— Way Ahead.. Pakistan’s role in regional Peace
23rd TopicProxy Wars: Role of External Elements. Fifth Generation Warfare
24th TopicKashmir Issue: Post August 5, 2019 Scenario. Way Ahead
25th TopicPalestine Issue
26th TopicConstitutional History of Pakistan (Role of Judiciary)
27th TopicClimate Change issue for Pakistan and Govt.’s Billion Tree Project
28th TopicDigitalization of Pakistan
29th TopicPakistan’s Journey from Terrorism to Tourism
30th TopicEvolution Democratic System in Pakistan
31st TopicCPEC and BRI(Belt Road Initiative)
32nd TopicPolitical System of Pakistan. People’s Behavior
33rd TopicNewly building Pak-US relations
34th TopicUn-Employment and Poverty in Pakistan. Population Bomb
35th TopicWater Crisis in Pakistan
36th TopicEnergy Crisis in Pakistan
37th TopicPakistan and SCO
38th TopicPak-India Relation Post Kashmir’s Siege
39th TopicPakistan and SAARC
40th TopicPakistan’s Role in Middle East (Death of Qasim Suleimani, Iran-Saudi Conflict)
41st TopicNew Building Islamic Block by Pakistan, Malaysia and Turkey
42nd TopicCorruption and Accountability

2. Current Affairs

Remember: 60% Syllabus of Current Affairs consists of Pakistan’s domestic and External Affairs. So, These topics will be covered in Pakistan Affairs. Remaining 40% Topics are given below.

NumberingName of the Topic
1st TopicClimate Change— The biggest Problem of 21st Century
2nd TopicPandemics—History and Effects with Consequences
3rd TopicBiological War. Myth or Reality OR Modern Wars with Modern Weapons
4th TopicMiddle East Crisis—Post General Qasim’s Death. 
5th TopicSyrian Conflict
6th TopicConflict between OPEC countries
7th TopicUS-China Trade War
8th TopicYemen Crisis
9th TopicSouth China Sea issue
10th TopicAfghan Peace Process
11th TopicKashmir Issue
12th TopicPalestine Issue
13th TopicIndo-Pak relations Post Aug 5
14th TopicPakistan’s role in global peace
15th TopicNuclear Politics of South Asia
16th TopicNational Action Plan
17th TopicWorld Economic Forum and Pakistan
18th TopicChina’s strategic vision behind BRI(Belt Road Initiative)
19th TopicHybrid War in context of Pakistan
20th TopicGlobalization
21st TopicGlobal Energy Politics
22nd TopicCauses of UNO failure. Pakistan and UN  
23rd TopicProxy Wars: Role of External Elements. Fifth Generation Warfare. Non-state Actors. Has threat of terrorism ended in the region with Afghan Peace Process?
24th TopicGlobal Economic Politics
25th TopicNewly Emerging Issues
26th TopicNewly Emerging Issues
27th TopicNewly Emerging Issues
28th TopicNewly Emerging Issues
29th TopicNewly Emerging Issues
30th TopicNewly Emerging Issues

3. General Science & Ability

MCQs: 20 Marks Subjective: 80 Marks (40 From General Science and 40 From General Ability)

NumberingName of the Topic
1st TopicEarthquake
2nd TopicVolcanic Eruption
3rd TopicFloods
4th TopicTsunami
5th TopicCyclones and Hurricanes
6th TopicPandemics
7th TopicSolar and Lunar Eclipse
8th TopicWeather Variables and Weather Variations
9th TopicWildfire and Drought
10th TopicViruses and Vaccines
11th TopicProteins and Lipids
12th TopicCarbohydrates and Vitamins
13th TopicBalanced Diet and Food Deterioration
14th TopicDNA and RNA
15th TopicPolio and Hepatitis
16th TopicCardiac Diseases
17th TopicCell structures and Functions
18th TopicAtmosphere and Its Layers
19th TopicHydrosphere and Hydrological Cycle
20th TopicLithosphere and Biosphere
21st TopicAir Pollution
22nd TopicWater Pollution
23rd TopicLand and Noise Pollution
24th TopicAcid Rain and Global Warming
25th TopicComputer Components
26th TopicComputer Storage System
27th TopicNetworking
28th TopicArtificial Intelligence
29th TopicInformation Technology
30th TopicFibre Optics
31st TopicGPS and Satellites
32nd TopicAverage, Ratios, Percentages
33rd TopicRandom Sampling
34th TopicLogical Reasoning
35th TopicAnalytical Reasoning
36th TopicMental Abilites

4. Islamiyat Compulsory

NumberingName of the Topic
1st TopicRole of Din and Islam in Human Life
2nd TopicPillars of Islam. Social, Moral and Spiritual Impacts
3rd TopicPillars of Islam. Social, Moral and Spiritual Impacts
4th TopicBeliefs of Islam. Social, Moral and Spiritual Impacts
5th TopicBeliefs of Islam. Social, Moral and Spiritual Impacts
6th TopicImportance of Piousness, Ehsan, Forgiveness in Islam (Give Examples From Prophet’s Life)
7th TopicHazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as Diplomat
8th TopicHazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as Educator
9th TopicHazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as Military Strategic
10th TopicHazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) as Peace Maker
11th TopicHuman Rights and Status of Women in Islam
12th TopicHuman Rights and Status of Neighbors and Minorities in Islam
13th TopicKhutba Hajjatul Wida as Charter of Human Rights
14th TopicIslamic Civilization (Characteristics and Impacts on Community)
15th TopicIslamic Civilization (Comparison with West)
16th TopicChallenges to Muslim World and Solution
17th TopicRole of Islam in Modern World
18th TopicCharacteristics of Govt. of Pious Caliphates
19th TopicGovernance System of Islam
20th TopicAccountability in Islam
21st TopicEconomical System of Islam (“Sood” and Islam)
22nd TopicRole of “Jihad” in Islam. (Jihad is not Extremism)
23rd TopicIslamic Jurisprudence (Quran and Sunnah)
24th TopicIslamic Jurisprudence (Procedure of Ijma OR Ijtehad)

How many months are required for css preparation in pakistan?

3 Month Study Plan for CSS

MonthWeekPreparation Schedule
November1 – 5English Essay
6 – 10English Precis and Composition
11 – 15Islamic Studies
16 – 20General Science and Ability
21 – 25General Science and Ability
26 – 31Pakistan Affairs
December1 – 6Pakistan Affairs
7 – 12Optional 1
13 – 18Optional 2
19 – 24Optional 3
25 – 31Optional 4
January1 – 5Optional 5
6 – 10Optional 6
11 – 15Current Affairs
16 – 20Current Affairs

Daily Study Plan for the CSS Exam

The table below summarizes the distribution of workload on a daily basis, for this 3-month study plan.

MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday  SaturdaySunday
Study: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalStudy: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalStudy: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalStudy: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalStudy: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalStudy: 6-8 hours of study Break: Take a 30-minute break after every 3-hour intervalBreak: A break from Study Practice Essay: Utilize this day to practice 1 essay and 1 precis.

Although it is essential to get those 6-8 hours of study every day, do not do so at a stretch, without taking breaks. The mental saturation coupled with a decline in attention span greatly diminishes the effectiveness of your study. You will be unable to absorb or retain the information you read, which is one of the most counter-productive things you could do.

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