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What Jobs Can You Get with an English Literature Degree?

by Abeera Arshad
What Jobs Can You Get with an English Literature Degree

What jobs can you get with an English literature degree?  As we know that the skills you gain through studying English are marketable in most sectors. To get answer of your required question read this guide completely.

Studying English Literature will position you to seek after professions in fields where correspondence and decisive reasoning are significant. You’ll likewise get to investigate history and legislative issues, society and culture, human connections and characters, and how we decide to live. What’s more, you’ll have the opportunity to pick subjects that you’re keen on – whether that is exemplary or contemporary writing, ladies’ composition or wrongdoing composing.

You’ll concentrate on perplexing, testing issues and you’ll turn into a specialist in perusing, examining and talking about composed works that motivate you. You’ll likewise foster the abilities to deliver strong composition and introductions in manners that connect with and impact a group of people.

These abilities are exceptionally adaptable, and that implies a degree in English Writing is very much regarded by expected businesses and can prompt an effective profession in different enterprises.

Table of Contents

What jobs can you get with an English literature degree?

Literature is basically a words of written work. And English literature is a study of these written work around the world, written in English Language. The study of English literature will help you to learn different styles and methods to write. Literature gives the idea of themes, history and development of English writing. English literature is more than just a words that are written in English. It includes novels, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, drama, etc. English literature give an idea to know how literature makes sense of the world through plays, poems, novels, and stories.

A degree in English literature can help you get a solid foundation of literary theory, history, and criticism as well as broaden your comprehension of many cultural and intellectual traditions.

In this way, an English Literature degree teaches you to think creatively and rigorously, which prepares you for a variety of job opportunities.

The one can pursue their career in the area where there is a need of communication skills or critical thinking. You’ll also be able to choose topics that interest you, such as classic or contemporary literature, women’s writing, or crime written.

You’ll learn how to read, analyses, and discuss written works that inspire you, as well as how to study complex, difficult issues. You’ll also learn how to create powerful writing and presentations that engage and influence an audience. Because these skills are highly transferable, a degree in English Literature is highly valued by potential employers and can result in an effective career in a variety of industries.

Career Opportunities With An English Literature Degree

Here are some career opportunities that require an English Literature degree or to answer What jobs can you get with an English literature degree:

  • Journalist: a person who composes articles for newspapers, magazines, or news websites or who sets up news for broadcast.
  • Social media manager: A Social Media Manager is in charge of supervising a company’s interactions with the public by implementing content strategies for social media sites. Their responsibilities include analyzing engagement data, identifying trends in customer interactions, and developing ads marketing to build online communities.
  • Web editor: Web editors are usually the managers of a website’s content and images. They strategize, research, write copy, and edit website content in the same way that content editors do.
  • Teacher: A teacher is in charge of planning lessons and educating learners on every level. As part of these preparations, homework assignments will be assigned.
  • Paralegal: To make recommendations to an attorney, the paralegal (PL) assists with case planning, development, and management, legal research, interviews clients, gathers facts and retrieves information, draughts and analyses legal documents, and collects, compiles, and utilizes technical information.
  • Marketing executive: As a marketing executive, you will be responsible for raising awareness of and developing the brand you are marketing. Build and develop customer relationships while communicating with target audiences. Assist with marketing strategies, advertising, direct marketing, and campaigns.
  • Editor: As a marketing executive, you will be in charge of promoting and developing the brand you are marketing. While communicating with target audiences, establish and cultivate customer relationships. Aid in the development of marketing strategies, advertising, direct marketing, and campaigns.
  • Museum curator: Identifying and authenticating test results and artefacts in a collection. Making presentations and leading educational tours. DOI museum collection standards include cataloguing, inventorying, and maintaining records on collections as well as listing, inventorying, and maintaining records on collections.
  • Freelance writer: A professional, such as a Freelance Writer, can write articles for different publications and channels, such as websites and press releases. Internal company communications, emails, grant writing, proposals, or newsletters are all examples of blog posts. Many Freelance Writers chose to specialize in a specific communications channel or industry.
  • PR manager: Organizing all public relations operations. Developing a marketing strategy, which includes a budget and a marketing plan. Developing a public relation strategy, employees who have a positive placements in print, broadcast and online media.
  • Librarian: Hiring employees, ordering books from publishers, processing late fees as needed, and organizing book displays are all responsibilities of a Librarian. Librarians also plan community programmers to raise library awareness while assessing inventory requirements for new technologies in their local system.
  • Publisher: When an author signs with a publisher, they can expect that publisher to handle it all from copy editing to media training for authors and illustrators, creating marketing materials to promote the book, deciding which retailers to approach for stock, and convincing newspaper and magazine publishers to run reviews.
  • Author: Writers and authors conduct research in order to provide authentic detail in their stories. Writers and authors create content for a variety of media, such as advertisements, blogs, books, magazines, and film, play, and television scripts.

However, What Jobs Can You Get with an English Literature Degree, this is not a complete list; there are countless other careers in fields where strong communication and written English skills are essential. For example, in the media, advertising, law, retail, and leisure industries.

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There are dozens of companies that hire English Literature graduates. PR agencies such as Edelman and Brunswick and publishers like Penguin Random House and Harper Collins have a range of editorial, writing and content management roles.


As we have discussed all about What jobs can you get with an English literature degree? Still you have any question you can ask in the comment box.

Written By Maira Bilawal

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